Wednesday, March 13, 2013

On the Bus.

So, I'm on a bus between Seattle and Portland. Seattle was magical: friends new and old, lots of amazing food, and the happy coincidence of running into old friends (also on tour) due to the statue of Lenin, which led to friends realizing I was within a couple of blocks. It was a few awesome days capped off by singing at karaoke night at a vegan metal bar (Highline in Capitol Hill. Get the poutine and the High on Fire off the cocktail menu. Trust me).

It was good to start somewhere I was a bit familiar with, but hadn't lived. All my past memories of Seattle have been good. I'm a little worried about what Portland might drag up for me - I was really a hot mess when I lived there a few years back. There's definitely stuff from my past I haven't dealt with, and a couple people I wasn't on the greatest terms with.

Anyway, we're there less than 48 hours, so it will there'll be even more to see and do that I won't get to. Hopefully the book event tomorrow evening will be as positive as the Seattle event was.

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